Get KenPom's team efficiency history
A data frame with the following columns:
col_name | types |
year | numeric |
team_rk | numeric |
team | character |
coach | character |
conf | character |
adj_t | numeric |
adj_o | numeric |
adj_d | numeric |
off_e_fg_pct | numeric |
off_to_pct | numeric |
off_or_pct | numeric |
off_ft_rate | numeric |
off_fg_2_pct | numeric |
off_fg_3_pct | numeric |
off_ft_pct | numeric |
off_fg_3a_pct | numeric |
off_a_pct | numeric |
off_apl | numeric |
def_e_fg_pct | numeric |
def_to_pct | numeric |
def_or_pct | numeric |
def_ft_rate | numeric |
def_fg_2_pct | numeric |
def_fg_3_pct | numeric |
def_blk_pct | numeric |
def_fg_3a_pct | numeric |
def_a_pct | numeric |
def_apl | numeric |
foul2partic_pct | numeric |
wl | character |
wl_conf | character |
adj_t_rk | numeric |
adj_o_rk | numeric |
adj_d_rk | numeric |
off_e_fg_pct_rk | numeric |
off_to_pct_rk | numeric |
off_or_pct_rk | numeric |
off_ft_rate_rk | numeric |
off_fg_2_pct_rk | numeric |
off_fg_3_pct_rk | numeric |
off_ft_pct_rk | numeric |
off_fg_3a_pct_rk | numeric |
off_a_pct_rk | numeric |
off_apl_rk | numeric |
def_e_fg_pct_rk | numeric |
def_to_pct_rk | numeric |
def_or_pct_rk | numeric |
def_ft_rate_rk | numeric |
def_fg_2_pct_rk | numeric |
def_fg_3_pct_rk | numeric |
def_blk_pct_rk | numeric |
def_fg_3a_pct_rk | numeric |
def_a_pct_rk | numeric |
def_apl_rk | numeric |
foul2partic_pct_rk | numeric |
team_finish | character |
ncaa_seed | numeric |
See also
Other KenPom Historical Functions:
# \donttest{
try(kp_team_history(team = 'Florida St.'))
#> # A tibble: 28 × 57
#> year team_rk team coach conf adj_t adj_o adj_d off_e_fg_pct off_to_pct
#> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 2024 71 Florida+… Leon… ACC 72.3 109. 98.6 55.2 18.8
#> 2 2023 205 Florida+… Leon… ACC 68.6 105. 108. 49.3 17.6
#> 3 2022 105 Florida+… Leon… ACC 67.8 105. 99.1 49 18.1
#> 4 2021 15 Florida+… Leon… ACC 69.9 115. 92.8 54 20.4
#> 5 2020 15 Florida+… Leon… ACC 69.9 112. 91.5 51.9 18.9
#> 6 2019 14 Florida+… Leon… ACC 68.6 113. 90.4 50.5 18.9
#> 7 2018 27 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.2 114. 96.5 53.2 17.8
#> 8 2017 26 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.3 116. 95.5 53.7 16.4
#> 9 2016 48 Florida+… Leon… ACC 71.6 113. 98.9 51.8 18
#> 10 2015 99 Florida+… Leon… ACC 65.9 106. 99.3 50.1 21.9
#> # ℹ 18 more rows
#> # ℹ 47 more variables: off_or_pct <dbl>, off_ft_rate <dbl>, off_fg_2_pct <dbl>,
#> # off_fg_3_pct <dbl>, off_ft_pct <dbl>, off_fg_3a_pct <dbl>, off_a_pct <dbl>,
#> # off_apl <dbl>, def_e_fg_pct <dbl>, def_to_pct <dbl>, def_or_pct <dbl>,
#> # def_ft_rate <dbl>, def_fg_2_pct <dbl>, def_fg_3_pct <dbl>,
#> # def_blk_pct <dbl>, def_fg_3a_pct <dbl>, def_a_pct <dbl>, def_apl <dbl>,
#> # foul2partic_pct <dbl>, wl <chr>, wl_conf <chr>, adj_t_rk <dbl>, …
# }