KenPom Example Functions
Saiem Gilani
Source: vignettes/kenpom-example-functions.Rmd
Ratings Table Function examples
#---- kp_ratings_tables.R ----------------
pomeroy_ratings <- kp_pomeroy_ratings(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020)
efficiency <- kp_efficiency(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020)
fourfactors <- kp_fourfactors(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020)
pointdist <- kp_pointdist(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020)
height <- kp_height(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020)
teamstats <- kp_teamstats(min_year = 2020, max_year = 2020)
playerstats <- kp_playerstats(metric = 'eFG', conf_only = FALSE, year = 2020)
kpoy <- kp_kpoy(year = 2020)
Team Tables
#---- kp_team_tables.R -------------------
team_sched <- kp_team_schedule(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)
gameplan <- kp_gameplan(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)
opptracker <- kp_opptracker(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)
team_players <- kp_team_players(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)
minutes_matrix <- kp_minutes_matrix(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)
team_player_stats <- kp_team_player_stats(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)
team_player_stats1 <- team_player_stats[[1]]
team_player_stats2 <- team_player_stats[[2]]
team_depth_chart <- kp_team_depth_chart(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)
team_lineups <- kp_team_lineups(team = 'Florida St.', year = 2020)
Historical Tables
#---- kp_historical_tables.R ------------
team_history <- kp_team_history(team = 'Florida St.')
coach_history <- kp_coach_history(coach = 'Leonard Hamilton')
program_ratings <- kp_program_ratings()
# records_team appears to be working but there isn't anything
# there anymore at the moment for all years
# records_team <- get_records_team(browser, team = 'Florida St.')
pomeroy_archive_ratings <- kp_pomeroy_archive_ratings(date = '2018-11-22')
conf <- kp_conf(year = '2020',conf = 'ACC')
conf_stats <- kp_confstats(year = '2020')
conf_history <- kp_confhistory(conf = 'ACC')
Miscellaneous Stats Tables
#---- kp_misc_stats.R ------------------
trends <- kp_trends()
officials <- kp_officials(year = 2020)
hca <- kp_hca()
arenas <- kp_arenas(year = 2020)
game_attrs <- kp_game_attrs(year = 2020, attr = "Excitement")
fanmatch <- kp_fanmatch(date = "2020-03-10")